Friday, December 19, 2008

Chapet 11- 12/13/08

Last week we worked on Chapter 11. We also did 2 worksheets. After we did Chapter 11, I started asking questions about different parts of the church. The class had a hard time answering my questions. So we walked down to the church and talked about the different part. That went really well.

This Saturday 12/20/08 will be our Christmas Party. The children will still need there books. We will do part of a chapter.

Thank you
Mr. Matt

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

CCD class update

Sorry parents I forgot about updating the website. Last class we did Chapter 10 and 2 worksheet pages. There was no homework given.

You are invited to the Pancake Breakfast that will be at St.Mary's Church on Sunday December 14 from 8AM to noon.

Just a reminder that will be no CCD class on December 27 and January 3 for the Christmas and NewYear's vacations.